New Grants Help Victorians Tackle Local Crime

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Youth at risk of offending and local sports and community clubs are among those to benefit from 109 grants announced today to help locals tackle crime in the community.

The Andrews Labor Government has given nearly $830,000 from the Community Safety Fund to help locals in towns and suburbs across Victoria make people feel safer and help them prevent crime in public places.

The fund provides up to $10,000 for communities in Victoria to help reduce local crime and improve community safety through practical projects such as better lighting, security installations, and outreach programs to deter youth from crime.

Projects include:

  • initiatives for vulnerable groups at risk of offending or victimisation
  • crime prevention education and awareness
  • proposals to encourage use of public spaces
  • installation of security equipment, such as security alarms, locks, vandal proof lighting, and fencing to improve security at community centres and club

The fund is part of the Labor Government’s $5.8 million investment in community crime prevention, aimed at tackling crime and its root causes.

Funding for the Community Crime Prevention Program was due to lapse in June, but the Government’s rescue package allows the program to continue while a review of the program takes place.

Parliamentary Secretary for Justice Ben Carroll is leading the review, which is due to report by 30 September.

A full listing of all Community Safety Fund grant recipients is available at in a new window)

Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for Justice Ben Carroll

These funds will help communities tackle crime at the local level.’’

“This Government recognises that communities know best when it comes to identifying and preventing crime at the local level.’’

“My review has confirmed that grants like these help communities identify and respond to crime."