New Funds For More Affordable And Flexible Child Care

Friday 1 May 2015

Victorian families in regional and disadvantaged communities are the big winners of a new Commonwealth and Victorian Government agreement to fund more flexible and affordable child care.

Federal Minister for Social Services, the Hon. Scott Morrison and Victorian Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos today announced that Victorian early childhood services would receive $8.56 million over four years as part of the National Occasional Care Program. Under the agreement, the Federal Government funds 55 per cent of the program ($4.71 million) with the Victorian Government funding the rest ($3.85 million).

The first round of funding will support 117 children’s services, mostly in regional and low socio-economic areas, to offer families more flexible child care at subsidised rates.

Parents who work shorter shifts or need to attend training or medical appointments benefit from occasional care.

Under the first round of funding, centres across the state will receive up to $60,000 in grants over four years.

A second round of funding will allow many centres to offer occasional care for the first time. This round of funding, to be rolled out shortly, will also be used to ensure pre-schoolers can be cared for before and after kindergarten at affordable rates.

Federal Minister for Social Services, the Hon. Scott Morrison said:

“The Commonwealth and State partnership is great news for thousands of Victorian families who need more flexible and affordable childcare.”

“Parents who work irregular hours or have other important commitments now have greater access to convenient, quality and inexpensive childcare.”

Victorian Minister for Children and Families Jenny Mikakos said:

“Parents, particularly in regional and disadvantaged communities in Victoria, now have more options when it comes to balancing childcare with work and study.”

“I am pleased the Federal Government signed this agreement to support families through these services.”