A New Era For Regional Tourism

Friday 14 August 2015

The Andrews Labor Government is getting on with a once-in-a-generation shake up of regional Victoria’s tourism and major events approach and backing this in with a multi- million dollar dedicated marketing campaign.

Today, Premier Daniel Andrews joined Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford and Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes at the Bridge Road Brewery in Beechworth to announce how the newly-unveiled Visit Victoria will market our regions to Australia and the rest of the world.

Visit Victoria will bring Tourism Victoria and the Victorian Major Events Company together, with a new conventions division that will keep us a leading destination for business events and conventions. Visit Victoria will be a single, unified voice, working together to sell our State’s strengths.

The new entity will be a world-leading body responsible for growing regional Victoria’s $11 billion visitor economy.

Mr Andrews announced today that Visit Victoria will have a distinct Regional Division, with its own Managing Director, designed to work directly with Regional Tourism Boards and operators to grow tourism in Victoria’s regions.

The new entity will also be charged with growing regional Victoria’s enviable calendar of events. It means a more resilient tourism and events industry – and that means a stronger State.

The Andrews Government will also invest $3 million to embark on the most ambitious regional marketing campaign in our State’s history, highlighting regional Victoria’s treasures and showcasing our regions.

Regional Victoria’s tourism and events industry generates 110,000 jobs for regional Victorians each year, but our counterparts across the border are cottoning on to our success, so we need to refresh our approach to maintain our edge. The new entity will showcase our regions’ strengths to new streams of visitors all over Australia and the world.

A new Ministerial Advisory Committee will work closely with industry experts in fields such as international education, arts and culture, and sport to develop an action plan to attract investment and visitors to regional Victoria.

Quotes attributable to Premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews

“Visit Victoria will sell regional Victoria’s treasures like never before. It’s our clear vision for a bold and bright future for our State, our economy and our people.”

“We’ve got the best of everything in regional Victoria and we’re going to showcase it to the world.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“Regional Victoria offers something for everyone in all corners of our State. We want more visitors to our regions all year round.”

“We’re bringing the best and brightest experts under one roof. Visit Victoria will spearhead our plans to stay ahead of the pack.”