New Community Facilities Opened In Pyrenees Shire

Sunday 1 November 2015

Pyrenees Shire residents will benefit from improved community facilities, with a new community centre in Amphitheatre and upgraded facilities at Avoca Town Hall officially opened by the Minister for Regional Development, Jaala Pulford, today.

Ms Pulford said the Andrews Labor Government was proud to support these type of community-driven projects, which provide so much benefit to local regional communities.

The new Amphitheatre community centre provides a new communal space with meeting and function rooms, a commercial kitchen, increased storage, water tanks and accessible toilets for people of all abilities.

The Victorian Government contributed $425,000 towards the $631,000 project, with Pyrenees Shire and Bendigo Bank contributing the remaining funding.

The new 186 square metre community centre is located in the recreation reserve next to the local primary school and is used for a range of sporting activities such as cricket and tennis, and will also serve as an Emergency Relief Centre when required.

The previous unusable facility was demolished to make way for the new centre, which will be used by a range of community clubs and organisations such as Amphitheatre’s Cricket and Tennis Clubs, the CFA, Landcare and Pyrenees Best Wool and Lamb meetings and workshops.

The Victorian Government also contributed $210,000 toward the $280,000 New Life for Avoca Town Hall project with the Pyrenees Shire Council contributing the remaining funds.

The project delivered upgrades to the amenities, power, storage and building accessibility of the Town Hall which is used extensively by local community groups.

Ms Pulford said both facilities would contribute substantially to the liveability of the area.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“With the completion of the Town Hall upgrade works and the new community centre, Pyrenees Shire residents can enjoy a revitalised sense of place and spaces for communal interaction and activity. ”

“Supporting projects like this is the aim of our $500 million Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund which will support major projects, create jobs and build stronger regional communities.”