New Boat Ramp A Boon For Fishers At Walkers Lake

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Recreational anglers can look forward to better fishing at Walkers Lake in Victoria’s west thanks to a new boat ramp and increased native fish stocks.

Minister for Agriculture, Jaala Pulford, said the new concrete ramp will benefit local and visiting anglers, and boost fishing-related tourism in the area.

The Northern Grampians Shire received a $20,000 grant from the Victorian Government to build the new ramp at Walkers Lake, near Donald, with the project strongly supported by the Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs.

Walkers Lake was also recently stocked with 10,000 golden perch fingerlings, funded by recreational fishing licence fees.

Fisheries managers expect the fingerlings to do well given a low predator population in the lake and high aquatic productivity. The fingerlings measure only a few centimetres each when released and take three or four years to reach catchable size.

The Andrews Labor Government’s 2015-16 Victorian Budget  provided $20 million in new initiatives and services to help grow recreational fishing in Victoria by encouraging families to get outdoors and enjoy fishing.

The Labor Government’s Target One Million plan will increase recreational fishing in Victoria over four years, creating jobs, supporting local businesses and strengthening rural and regional communities.

Improving fishing opportunities and facilities is a key component of the plan, which will grow participation to one million anglers by 2020, boost fish stocks from three to five million per annum and strengthen angling club membership.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture, Jaala Pulford

“The new boat ramp at Walkers Lake will enhance this already popular fishing spot, boosting local and visiting angler numbers.”

“Target One Million will grow recreational fishing across regional Victoria, giving families better opportunities to spend some quality time together outdoors.”

“We want to keep Victoria a great place to wet a line – that’s why we’re investing in projects that improve fishing opportunities and facilities.”