New Base For Corrections’ Specialist Operations Staff

Saturday 22 July 2017

Corrections Victoria’s specialist emergency response unit have a new home at the Metropolitan Remand Centre.

Minister for Corrections Gayle Tierney officially opened the operational base for the Security and Emergency Services Group (SESG) today.

Thanks to $4.6 million from the Andrews Labor Government, the hub includes a state-of-the-art armoury, a new kennel complex, purpose-built carports for high-security vehicles, training rooms and office space.

The new fit-for-purpose building will support the important role the SESG plays, providing 24-hour rapid-response to emergencies and incidents across Victoria’s prisons.

The group are also responsible for:

  • targeted searches of prisoner cells, common areas, visitors and prisoner mail
  • Correction Victoria’s canine contingent, including a number of dogs trained to sniff out contraband
  • high-security prisoner escorts and escorting prisoners interstate and overseas
  • training Corrections Victoria’s officers in tactical operations and fire awareness

Corrections Victoria currently employs around 150 SESG staff across the state, up from 115 in 2015.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Corrections Gayle Tierney

“We’re investing in our corrections system to keep Victorians safe.”

“Times have changed since 1980 when the Victorian Prison Dog Squad was created. That’s why we’re making sure the highly trained SESG have the best facilities and latest equipment – to keep our prisons safe.”

Quotes attributable to Assistant Commissioner for Security and Intelligence Melissa Westin

“SESG officers provide an integral service in our prisons, responding to major incidents and conducting targeted operations across the state.”

“Our staff are very excited to move into their new building, which will be an operational base for up to 50 officers at any given time.”