More Work To Be Done By Lost Dogs' Home

Sunday 29 March 2015

The Lost Dogs’ Home has been unable to account for the factors leading to euthanasia of dogs and cats in its care, an investigation ordered by the Andrews Labor Government into the treatment of animals by the Home has revealed.

The investigation examined allegations relating to high euthanasia rates, accommodation and housing of animals, identification of animals’ owners and the assessment of animals for re-homing.

The investigation was unable to determine whether the Home’s euthanasia rates were ‘reasonable’ or comparable to other organisations, or if the health, temperament or sociability status of animals were considered.

As a result, the Lost Dogs’ Home will now be required to improve record keeping on the breakdown of euthanasia statistics.

In addition, the Lost Dogs’ Home has agreed to report to the Minister for Agriculture, Jaala Pulford, on the reasons for euthanasia twice a year, for the next three years.

The investigation found overall euthanasia rates for both dogs and cats declined across the Lost Dogs’ Home’s three sites over the past six years.

It also identified non-compliance with the accommodation and housing of animals.

Dog pen floors were found cracked and unsealed, placing animals at risk of disease, while the size of cages provided for cats housed beyond eight days also did not meet the requirements under Victorian law.

The Lost Dogs’ Home will be required to undertake specific actions to address non-compliance issues relating to accommodation of animals and report back to the Government. The Department will also work with local councils to rectify non-compliance.

The Lost Dogs’ Home fully cooperated throughout the investigation and will continue to work with the Department to address and rectify the issues raised in the report.

The report can be viewed at:

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture, Jaala Pulford

"The Andrews Labor Government will not tolerate animal cruelty – that’s why we acted immediately to investigate these allegations."

"While overall euthanasia rates have declined, more work needs to be done to address the management and reporting of euthanasia at the Lost Dogs’ Home."

"We will work to ensure all issues raised in the report are addressed, and issues of non-compliance put right."