More Water Flowing Into Lake Toolondo

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Five thousand megalitres of water is flowing into Lake Toolondo, boosting one of Western Victoria’s premier trout fishing spots.

Acting Minister for Water Martin Pakula has welcomed the transfer of water to Lake Toolondo, after storage levels in Rocklands reached the required trigger point.

Water for Victoria – the Andrews Labor Government’s statewide water plan – acknowledges the recreational values of our water resources and the need to consider these when managing water.

The transfer follows a similar transfer of water last year, and meets an election commitment by the Labor Government to supply water to Toolondo to protect water levels and fish stocks in the lake.

The Labor Government’s Target One Million plan also recognises the lake as an iconic trout fishery.

Lake Toolondo remains a popular place to fish for trout following water transfers in recent years and the increased water levels have also provided security for trout that have a low tolerance for warm water temperatures.

Drawing recreational fishers to the lake helps keep valuable tourism in regional Victoria where it continues to boost small businesses.

This water transfer is also good water management practice as it reduces losses from evaporation across the Grampians Wimmera Mallee system.

Quotes attributable to Acting Minister for Water Martin Pakula

“This is a great example of how water transfers can benefit many user groups – providing recreational and economic benefits as well as saving water through reduced evaporation.”

“We are working to balance agricultural, industry, urban, recreational and environmental uses for water and maximise benefits for the community.”

Quotes attributable to Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford

"Getting more people fishing more often is at the heart of the Andrews Labor Government's Target One Million plan. Another 5,000 megalitres will be a brilliant boost to recreational fishing in the Wimmera."