More Support, Jobs And Skills For Young People At Risk

Thursday 30 April 2015

The Andrews Labor Government has saved the Local Learning and Employment Networks (LLENs) that assist hundreds of thousands of young people who are at risk of dropping out of school and dropping out of the economy.

Premier Daniel Andrews today announced that the 2015-16 State Budget will provide $32 million to Local Learning and Employment Networks (LLENs) across Victoria.

LLENs are made up of a range of organisations that span education and industry. They help young people who are dropping out of education to gain skills and employment.

There are 31 LLENs across Victoria, with more than half in regional Victoria. Over the last four years, the LLEN program has assisted 250,000 young people through 850 partnerships.

The previous Liberal Government presided over the program’s decline, offloading responsibility to the Abbott Government who then swiftly cancelled the National Partnership that funded LLENs in 2014.

The Liberals abandoned young people who needed skills and jobs, but the Labor Government is restoring the funding to LLENs, helping them support more young people.

Unlike the previous Liberal Government’s careless one-year pre-election patch up, this is a concrete, four-year funding solution, because LLENs and young people deserve a future that’s certain.

Quotes attributable to Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews

“In the middle of a youth unemployment crisis, the Liberals cut TAFE and cancelled the Local Learning and Employment Networks that help hundreds of thousands of young people find their way back into jobs and training.”

“The Labor Government will never abandon young people who need a helping hand. We want them to get the skills they need for the jobs they want.”