A more secure youth justice system for Victoria

Tuesday 2 May 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is delivering the strong and secure youth justice system Victorians expect, with even more security upgrades at the Parkville and Malmsbury facilities.

This follows the transition of Youth Justice to the Department of Justice and Regulation, with Corrections Victoria staff bringing their experience and know-how to safeguarding all youth justice facilities.

The Victorian Budget 2017/18 invests $72 million to keep young offenders in line and our hardworking staff safe.

A recent independent review of Parkville by former Chief Commissioner of Police Neil Comrie found key infrastructure issues – the result of years and years of neglect – were a significant factor in security failures at the facility.

As a result, the Labor Government will do what the former Liberal Government failed to – with units at Parkville Youth Justice Precinct fortified, and security strengthened at Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre.

The funding boost will also go to improved intelligence gathering across youth justice centres, to help prevent and respond to violent and antisocial incidents. Security Emergency Services Group staff will continue to be based at youth justice centres to help manage any incidents.

This work will significantly strengthen the security of Victoria’s youth justice centres, ahead of a new state-of-the-art facility that will be up and running in 2021.

Announced earlier this year, the Labor Government is providing $288 million for the new high security centre, which will include an intensive supervision unit, 224 beds for remand and sentenced clients and a mental health unit. This new facility will also be funded as part of the Budget.

This investment is in addition to the ongoing review into the youth justice system being conducted by Ms Penny Armytage and Professor James Ogloff, which will guide further investment in youth justice services.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos

“Victorians rightfully expect a strong and secure youth justice system – and that’s exactly what we’re delivering.”

“By upgrading security and surveillance, we’ll keep offenders in line, and we’ll keep Victoria safe.”