More Jobs And Housing For Melbourne’s Inner North

Friday 25 September 2015

Coburg is set to become a major activity centre in Melbourne’s north following the Andrews Labor Government’s move to approve plans for a retail, residential and jobs precinct.

Minister for Planning Richard Wynne said the plans will transform an under-used part of Coburg into a new activity centre, through economic growth and jobs creation in our growing northern suburbs.

The new precinct will attract major development over the next 20 years for Coburg, with an expected $460 million worth of private development and about $500 million worth of community facilities and infrastructure projects.

The 80-hectare activity centre is about eight kilometres north of the CBD and includes the 16-hectare Pentridge Prison site.

Proposed developments within the new centre include a $280 million private hospital on Bell St, a $130 million mixed development and an $80 million development on the former Coburg High School site.

Moreland Council has worked on the plans for about 14 years and have consulted widely. The Labor Government is now finalising the process so developers can get on with their proposals, which will bring jobs and growth.

Mr Wynne said more development around central suburbs such as Coburg encourage jobs outside the CBD, allow for more centrally-located housing and reduce the need for more urban sprawl.

Mr Wynne has also handed back responsibility for assessing planning permit applications in the former Pentridge Prison to Moreland City Council, reflecting the local significance of the project.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Planning Richard Wynne

“We’re planning for Melbourne’s future growth through smart and sustainable development. Clear plans will allow for Coburg to retain its character and liveability while encouraging future housing and economic growth.”

“Rezoning land for activity centres identifies the best locations for development, giving business, investors and residents certainty about how suburbs will evolve over time.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Pascoe Vale Lizzie Blandthorn

“Coburg is growing and a proper plan will facilitate appropriate development, encouraging more people to make this area their home.”

“The creation of the Coburg Activity Centre will encourage investment and job creation and ensure residents have better access to retail, community and recreational facilities and public transport.”