More Child Protection Workers For Geelong

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Vulnerable children and families in the Geelong area will be better supported following a significant boost to the child protection workforce by the Andrews Labor Government.

Child protection services and response times will improve thanks to the addition of 13 new staff to the region, the Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos announced today during a visit to Geelong.

The extra staff come as part of a recruitment drive to hire more than 110 new child protection workers across the State announced earlier this year, as part of $257 million in additional funding for child protection and family services in the 2015-16 Victorian Budget.

The 13 extra positions include one specialist child protection practitioner who will be dedicated to supporting people impacted by family violence.

Recruitment has already started for some positions with more to follow shortly.

Today’s announcement is part of a much wider reform agenda. Recently the Labor Government announced the Roadmap for Reform: Strong Families, Safe Children to review and strengthen the entire child protection and family services system.

A key part of the reform agenda will be to be more proactive – to intervene early to prevent children experiencing trauma and abuse from entering the child protection system, and to better support families impacted by family violence.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“There was a clear shortfall in the number of child protection workers in the Geelong area – we have taken action to address that shortage.”

“An additional 13 child protection workers in the Geelong area will make a significant difference in the way we are able to respond to and support children and families at risk.”

“We understand the need of vulnerable children and families in the Geelong area for help to prevent problems from escalating into crises and that is why we are boosting the child protection workforce in the region.”