More Than $10 Million In Works On The Bendigo-Echuca Line

Monday 6 July 2015

More than $10 million in critical maintenance works have begun on the Bendigo to Echuca rail line.

Minister for Public Transport and Member for Bendigo East, Jacinta Allan, said the works include the replacement of 34,000 timber sleepers with new, more durable concrete sleepers.

A thousand sleepers a day will be replaced along the Bendigo-Echuca rail line, to keep services safe and reliable for passengers in Northern Victoria.

Level crossings at Wakeman Road in Bagshot, Holmes Road in Goornong and Ellicert Road in Echuca will also be resurfaced as part of the works, with new asphalt and tracks laid through the crossings.

Around three kilometres of ballast renewal and drainage improvements will be completed at the same time.

The works which involve around 50 workers are part of V/Line’s regular maintenance program. They will be carried out in 10-day blocks over the coming months, with work expected to be complete by the end of August.

The works will be carried out between trains, so there is not expected to be any impact on Bendigo-Echuca services.

The works come as community consultation on Victoria’s first ever short, medium and long term plan for regional public transport kicks off.

Sessions are underway in Gippsland, with consultation across the Loddon-Mallee regional in August. More details will be provided in the coming weeks.

The Regional Network Development Plan will move Victoria away from ad hoc service improvements, towards a more coordinated regional public transport network where train and bus services work together to get people where they need to go quicker and safer.

The plan will also consider infrastructure upgrades, network extensions and rolling stock requirements.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Public Transport, Jacinta Allan

“These $10 million maintenance works will keep the Bendigo to Echuca line safe and reliable.”

“The V/Line crews will be working hard over the next few months, replacing a thousand sleepers a day and renewing three level crossings.

Quotes attributable to Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes

 “The Andrews Labor Government wants safe, reliable train services across regional Victoria, which is what these works between Bendigo to Echuca are all about.”

“Importantly, works will be carried out to avoid any impact on services and passengers.”