Meeting With East Gippsland Mayor A Chance To Talk TAFE And Training Needs

Thursday 1 October 2015

Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert has met with East Gippsland Shire Mayor Peter Neal and other council representatives during a visit to Bairnsdale to discuss the region’s TAFE and training needs.

The meeting, held at Federation Training’s Bairnsdale campus, was a chance for the shire to highlight the needs of local apprentices, trainees and students.

The Andrews Labor Government has invested millions of dollars into the training sector in Gippsland to help the region recover from harsh cuts by the former Coalition Government, which left Federation Training on the brink of collapse.

Federation Training received $2.5 million from the fast-tracked TAFE Rescue Fund to create a new student-learning centre.

The Bubble provides services at Federation Training campus libraries, including study support, career and course advice, referral to other services and learning resources such as computers.

Two innovative programs at Federation Training also received $2.6 million from the Labor Government’s TAFE Back to Work Fund to help get more than 700 people skilled up for jobs in growing industries.

An addition $1 million has also been provided to Federation Training to establish one-stop-shop Skills and Jobs Centres.

The 2015-16 Victorian Budget reinforced the Labor Government’s commitment to restoring the TAFE sector, supporting Gippsland residents to develop the skills they need to get the job they want.

Mr Herbert said the Labor Government has a hard task ahead to fix the training system, which suffered massive cuts under the former Coalition Government, but said this Government has stepped in to help with the TAFE Rescue Fund and the TAFE Back to Work Fund.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

 “The Andrews Labor Government has invested an addition $5 million into the Gippsland training and TAFE system since we came to office.”

“The former Coalition Government’s cuts to the sector hurt Gippsland particularly hard. We’re working to reversing the damage those cuts did.”

Quotes attributable to East Gippsland Shire Mayor Peter Neal

“It was a great opportunity to meet with the Minister and discuss East Gippsland training requirements.”

“Advocacy is an important role for local government and we were able to discuss the changing training requirements in East Gippsland with the Minister. The Council will be working with Federation Training to ensure that East Gippsland training requirements are maintained and enhanced.”