Meeting Demand For Early Childhood Services In Ballarat

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Ballarat will receive a much needed boost to early childhood services in the area, with work set to start on a new children’s hub.

Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos today marked the start of construction work on the new $4 million Lucas Community Hub, which will meet local demand for the education and care of local children.

Lucas Hub will provide a dual kindergarten room offering 90 places for the four-year-old kindergarten program as well as 33 places for three-year-old kindergarten.

The hub also includes maternal and child health services, multipurpose spaces for community and parent group activities, and consulting rooms for early intervention programs and other visiting specialists.

Bringing these services together under the one roof offers flexibility and convenience.

Construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2017. The Government contributed $1.6 million to the project and the City of Ballarat contributed $2.4 million.

The Andrews Labor Government is delivering up to $83.7 million over four years to support improved educator-to-child ratios. Staff will be able to give more individual care and attention, and develop more meaningful relationships with children, leading to better social and learning outcomes.

We are also investing $60 million in the early childhood sector through building and upgrading kindergartens and children’s centres.

Our Government is making Victoria the Education State – this starts with giving every child the best start in life.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“The Andrews Labor Government is putting people first by ensuring all Victorians have access to the best early childhood education.”

“Integrated early childhood services and kindergarten make a big difference to children’s lives, and we’re ensuring all Victorian children see the benefits.”

Quote attributable to Member for Western Victoria Jaala Pulford

“This sod turning marks the start of a fantastic project that will improve the lives of families in Lucas.”