Matthew Guy Must Come Clean On Penthouse Payments

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Matthew Guy must immediately come clean and fully explain his involvement in yet another dodgy donations scandal involving the Liberal Party.

News reports have today revealed Mr Guy’s  involvement in a secret $10,000 penthouse meeting with developers when he was Minister for Planning.

While Mr Guy and his deputy initially claimed that this secret penthouse meeting was an “industry forum”, the story has already changed, with Mr Guy telling 3AW that the penthouse meeting was separate to the forum.

NEIL MITCHELL, 3AW: “Was the forum that they’re referring to, the same meeting that you had with this developer?”

MATTHEW GUY: “I don’t believe it was. Ah, I don’t believe it was. This is the Age making an allegation that is very murky.”

Matthew Guy has serious questions to answer, including:

  • What was discussed at the lunch and what was promised in exchange for the secret donation?
  • Was a false invoice produced to hide the meeting? If so, why?
  • Why was a department official present at the dinner, if it was a Liberal Party fundraiser?
  • What other private meetings were held with developers and disguised as industry forums?
  • Will Mr Guy now release all emails and correspondence between him, his office and the developer?
  • Will Mr Hodgett release all correspondence between him, his office, Mr Guy’s office and the developer?
  • Did Mr Guy or his office have any further interactions with the developer after this penthouse meeting?
  • Did Mr Hodgett or his office have any interactions with the developer after this penthouse meeting?
  • If Matthew Guy thought it was good enough to refer himself to IBAC over his lobster dinner, will he now refer himself over this deals for donations scandal?
  • If Mr Guy doesn't know which meeting is being referred to, how many $10,000 a head meetings in penthouses did he go to?
  • If Mr Guy doesn't know which meeting is being referred to, how can he claim IBAC has already investigated it?
  • If Mr Guy has verified that all payments for meetings were declared and above board, how does Mr Guy not know which meeting is being referred to?

Quotes attributable to Deputy Premier James Merlino

“Matthew Guy has been caught out again – first it’s secret lobster dinners with alleged mobsters, now its secret developer payments in penthouse apartments.”

“The Liberal Party now has a choice to make - does Matthew Guy have the judgement or the character to remain in his position?”