Matthew Guy Has More Questions To Answer On Harassment Cover-Up Scandal

Sunday 3 September 2017

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy must come out of hiding and immediately come clean on what he knew about harassment allegations involving the former Liberal Minister and Member for Bulleen Nick Kotsiras and one of his staff members.

Matthew Guy was parachuted into the seat of Bulleen before the 2014 election, following the swift and secretive departure of Mr Kotsiras.

It is now reported that Mr Kotsiras made a payout worth just under $100,000 to a former staff member after a harassment claim was made, with the staff member leaving his office to work for Mr Guy.

Matthew Guy's claim that he had no knowledge of the payout or what occurred simply beggars belief.

It is time Matthew Guy comes clean and answers some simple questions:

  • What did he know about this alleged harassment and when?
  • Did he ask any questions, including to his good friend Mr Kotsiras, about why this staff member was being placed in his office?
  • Was he involved in covering the harassment scandal up so it wouldn't hurt the Liberal Party before the 2014 election?
  • Did he conspire to keep this secret on a promise that he'd be parachuted into the safe Liberal seat of Bulleen?
  • What did Shadow Attorney General John Pesutto know about the alleged harassment, given he was the former Premier's legal counsel at the time?
  • What involvement did John Pesutto have in covering up this alleged harassment?
  • Did John Pesutto ever discuss this matter with Matthew Guy?

Given Matthew Guy has been caught out repeatedly lying about the lobster with an alleged mobster scandal, his denials in this case have no credibility.

This scandal is yet more evidence that Matthew Guy has neither the character nor the judgement to lead this state.

Quotes attributable to Deputy Premier James Merlino

“Matthew Guy can't remain silent any longer – he needs to come out of hiding and come clean about what he knew and when."

"Matthew Guy's credibility is in tatters after the lobster with an alleged mobster scandal and his denials in this case simply can't be believed."

“The Liberal Party must now make a decision - do they think Matthew Guy has the judgement or the character to remain in his position?”