Matthew Guy And The Liberals Undermine Nurses And Patients

Friday 21 September 2018

Matthew Guy and the Liberals have once again let down Victorian nurses and patients by blocking moves that would enshrine in law better care for sick and injured Victorians.

For too long nurses and midwives were forced to trade away their own pay and conditions to guarantee ratios in enterprise agreements, which make sure they have enough time to spend with their patients.

The Andrews Labor Government fixed this in 2015, making Victoria the first state to enshrine in law minimum nurse and midwife numbers in public hospitals.

The Labor Government’s Safe Patient Care (Nurse to Patient and Midwife to Patient Ratios) Amendment Bill that would have strengthened these ratios rounding the number up instead of down on a variety of shifts.

The bill would not only have improved care and safety for patients, it would have seen an extra 600 nurses and midwives employed in public hospitals across Victoria.

But in yet another sign they can’t be trusted when it comes to health, Matthew Guy and the Liberals blocked the Bill last night, meaning it will not pass in this term of Government.

The Liberals have let down Victorians in palliative care, birthing suites and special care nurseries, as well as those who have to access emergency department resuscitation cubicles in peak times.

Victorians suffering from stroke, blood disease and cancer will also be deprived of guarantees that more nurses will be on hand to care for them.

The Liberals can’t be trusted when it comes to health. They cut a billion dollars when they were last in office, and they’ll do it again if they get the chance.

Cuts, closures and privatisations are all Matthew Guy and the Liberals stand for – and every patient in Victoria would suffer under their plans.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

“Matthew Guy and the Liberals have denied nurses what they need to provide better care when Victorian patients need it the most.”

“Nurses care for us at our most vulnerable and deserve our support. Matthew Guy and the Liberals have let down every health care worker and every patient in Victoria.”

“It’s just more evidence that you can’t trust the Liberals when it comes to health.”