Mallee Locals Have A Chance To Shape Their Future

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Mallee locals have another chance to speak directly to the heart of the Andrews Labor Government, with  consultation for the Mallee Regional Partnership kicking off.

Minister for Regional Development, Jaala Pulford, urged the community to have its say in shaping the future of the region ahead of the Mallee Regional Partnership’s next Regional Assembly to be held in Swan Hill on June 29.

It will be the first Regional Assembly of 2017.

People living, working and studying in the Mallee have the chance to share their thoughts and provide ideas about local opportunities and challenges that span every government portfolio.

Each of the nine Regional Partnerships will host a major community assembly which will include the public, Members of Parliament, business and community leaders coming together to discuss priorities for each region.

The Mallee Regional Partnership includes the shires of Buloke, Gannawarra, Mildura and Swan Hill.

Key regional priorities have already been identified by Mallee locals, who in particular identified small town futures, health and wellbeing, food and water, education and training, and lifestyle and tourism as their priority topics for further community consultation.

The forthcoming assembly is a chance to discuss these priorities in more detail as well as recent Victorian Budget 2017/18 announcements that relate to the region, including funding for the next stage of the Swan Hill Riverfront Development and investment in the Robinvale Community Hub.

To register or get involved in the conversation visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“People from all over the Mallee region flocked to our Regional Assembly last December. We want to hear your voice, ideas and suggestions into what locals really need.”

“Rural and regional Victorians are passionate and keen to develop their regions. We hope they’ll embrace this opportunity to be part of Victoria’s Regional Assemblies.”

Quotes attributable to the Mallee Regional Partnership Chair Win Scott

“We are excited to be leading such a productive process that injects local ideas directly into government decision making.”

“This Regional Assembly is a genuine collaboration between government, business and community that enables the people of the Mallee to determine our own future.”