Leading Artists Work With Schools To Produce Creative Projects

Wednesday 15 July 2015

The artistic talent of Victorian students will be unleashed through an annual grants program placing professional artists in schools to produce a creative project, Education Minister James Merlino announced today.

Last year’s Artists in Schools projects ranged from deaf choreographer Jo Dunbar working with hearing and deaf students on choreographing their own work, to photographer Stephen Henderson helping a small community produce a photographic record of their unique stories and images.

Mr Merlino encouraged primary and secondary schools to attend information sessions online and in regional centres this week which will outline the program and the grants application process.

Nineteen grants of $10,000 will be available to schools to place a renowned artist in the classroom to work with teachers and students.

Each artist is appointed to a school for approximately 20 days, providing innovative ways to engage students across all key areas of the curriculum via any art form, including literature, visual arts, performing arts or new media.

The Department of Education and Training has committed $500,000 for 2015-17 for the Artists in Schools Program which is delivered in partnership with Creative Victoria under the Department’s Strategic Partnerships Program (SPP).

The SPP provides funding to not-for-profit organisations for programs that improve student achievement, engagement, health and wellbeing and/or enhance teachers’ specialist skills.

Information sessions for teachers and artists interested in 2016 funding will be presented at The Memo, Healesville on July 17, The National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, on July 22 and Benalla Art Gallery on July 24.  Two online sessions are also still available on July 15 and July 21.

The sessions will outline how projects can support learning across the curriculum, provide input from other schools and artists who have participated in the program and connect interested teachers and artists who want to become involved.

Schools will be able to apply for grants in August, with applications closing on September 22. Teachers can register for information sessions at www.creative.vic.gov.au/AIS(opens in a new window)

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

 “This is about exciting and inspiring lessons that will stay with the artists, students and teachers – and their communities – for many years to come.”

“Last year, a deaf choreographer worked with hearing and deaf students, and a professional photographer helped a small community produce a lasting record of their unique stories and images.”