Latrobe Boost To Emergency Ambulance Arrivals

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Ambulances arrived at the scene of emergencies on average more than two minutes quicker in the March quarter than at the height of the ambulance crisis under the former Liberal Government, new data shows.

Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Jenny Mikakos today released the March quarter of the Victorian Health and Human Services and Ambulance Victoria Performance Data, which show Code 1 ambulances arrived two minutes and 50 seconds quicker than the Liberals’ final March quarter.

State-wide results show 84.2 per cent of ambulances arrived within the benchmark 15 minutes – an improvement on 83 per cent a year prior. In 2014 when the Liberals were in power, only 73.2 per cent arrived within 15 minutes – and ambulance response times blew out to the worst on the mainland.

Latrobe City’s times continue to improve, with ambulances arriving in an average 11 minutes and 22 seconds, an improvement on the 11:47 arrival time a year prior; and 80.3 per cent of Latrobe’s Code 1 ambulances arrived within 15 minutes, more than the 78 per cent a year prior.

Ambulances are also turning out to more emergencies. Some 72,318 Code 1 callouts were made for the quarter – 5705 more compared with the same period 12 months prior, and the third highest recorded since Ambulance Victoria’s clinical response model reforms, which free up ambulances for emergencies.

Ambulances arrived at emergencies within an average 11:04 minutes in the three months to the end of March, up from 11:23 a year prior.

In Latrobe, ambulances responded to 1459 Code 1 calls, up on the 1325 call-outs in the March quarter 2018.

The improvements are thanks to the Andrews Labor Government’s $500 million investment in ambulance services, including an additional 450 paramedics, extra vehicles, new resources and new and upgraded ambulance branches.

Our dedicated paramedics provide life-saving treatment to those who need it most when an emergency strikes. They deserve our support so they can do what they do best.

The quarterly data also shows our public health services are providing world-class care, despite Canberra’s $305 million claw back from Victoria’s hospitals – cuts that are hurting patients, nurses and doctors across the state.

Our hospitals did 689 more elective surgeries in the March quarter than they did a year prior and treated 89.6 per cent of all elective surgery patients within their benchmark times – up by 1.2 per cent, and the best March quarter result on record.

The Latrobe Regional Hospital did 133 more elective surgeries in the March quarter than it did a year earlier and treated 96.9 per cent of all elective surgery patients within their benchmark times – up by 0.2 per cent.

All of Latrobe’s Category 1 urgent elective patients were treated within the benchmark 30 days. More than half were treated within 13 days – well under the benchmark target of 30 days.

Quote attributable to Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Jenny Mikakos

“We can thank our local hard-working paramedics, doctors, nurses and other health professionals for continuing to improve our health and emergency services.”

Quote attributable to Member for Eastern Victoria Harriet Shing

“Our local ambulance services are transporting more urgent cases and our hospitals are treating more patients despite Canberra’s cuts – cuts that are hurting patients, nurses and doctors across the state.”