Largest Ever Survey To Ask For Views On Vocational Training

Thursday 21 April 2016

A record number of students and employers will be asked to rate their experiences in the largest ever survey of its kind seeking Victorians’ views on vocational education and training.

The survey of 222,000 Victorians who studied for a vocational training qualification in 2015 are being sent out this week, with feedback used to help strengthen the quality of the Victorian training system.

The student survey is being run in conjunction with a survey of more than 70,000 employers regarding their experiences with the VET system.

Together, these surveys represent the largest attempt to date to get Victorian’s views on vocational training, and is the largest of its kind in the country.

Students and employers are being asked to provide feedback on the quality of their training and the outcomes that followed so the Andrews Labor Government can make sure Victorians are getting the training they need.

These surveys are a vital tool in the Labor Government’s training reform agenda. Information on training quality and outcomes are used for contract compliance, to identify dodgy training providers and will ensure industry has a say in the performance of the system.

The Government is improving the performance of our training system to ensure closer alignment to industry workforce needs and jobs.

This survey provides real life information and will help to direct training policy in the future.

All students who completed or who withdrew from government funded training in 2015 can expect to receive the survey via email or through the post. If students do not receive a survey by 30th April they can call the TAFE and Training Hotline on 131 823 to request a survey.

The Labor Government is in the middle of an unprecedented crackdown on dodgy training providers to make sure taxpayer money is only spent on quality training.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

“This survey is a chance to tell us how your training went and how it has helped you to get the skills you need to get a job. It provides the Government with important information on the system as a whole, but also on individual providers.”

“The Andrews Labor Government is determined to improve the quality of vocational training. This survey gives us feedback to help us crack down on poor quality providers.”

“The information we receive from the surveys is valuable in making sure training is giving Victorians the skills they need to get a job.”