Labor Government Tells Bruce Billson: It’s Time To Play Ball

Thursday 26 November 2015

Bruce Billson has one last chance to put Frankston basketballers first and convince Malcolm Turnbull to fund the Frankston Basketball Stadium, Minister for Sport John Eren said today.

The Victorian Government has committed $2.5 million towards the project and Frankston City Council is contributing $4 million, but the important project is going nowhere until the Turnbull Government plays ball. Bruce Billson is retiring at the next election, and he has one last chance to get it right.

Basketball in Frankston is as popular as ever, but the ageing stadium can’t keep up. Mr Billson has spent enough time playing politics. It’s time to pressure Mr Turnbull to give the greenlight to the upgrade.

The Andrews Labor Government is getting on with this important expansion, but the Frankston Basketball Association will not get the stadium it deserves until the Liberals stop playing politics and start putting Frankston first.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Sport, John Eren

“We’re ready to get on with this expansion, but it’s stalled until the Federal Liberal Government plays ball and commits their fair share of funding.”

“Mr Billson is retiring at the next election. He has one last chance to get it right.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Frankston, Paul Edbrooke

“Mr Billson has had plenty to say about the Frankston Basketball Stadium, but his Government hasn’t put a cent on the table.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Carrum, Sonya Kilkenny

“This project will deliver huge benefits to our local community. It’s time for the Federal Liberal Government to get on board and get behind this community as well.”