Labor Government Standing Up For TAFE Teachers

Monday 5 October 2015

The Andrews Labor Government has brought an end to the previous Liberal government’s battle with Victoria’s TAFE teachers, highlighting Labor’s commitment to bargaining in good faith and respecting the state’s workers.

Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert today joined TAFE teachers, Australian Education Union representatives and members of the Victorian TAFE Association to announce the new pay deal.

Under the former Liberal Government, one third of public sector agreements were left to expire, with TAFE teachers failing to receive a pay increase since 2012.

This agreement ensures all TAFE teachers will receive a 2.5 per cent pay increase when they sign on and a further 2.5 per cent increase on 1 July 2016.

The deal also gives all ongoing and fixed term TAFE teachers a one-off sign on bonus of up to $2000 in recognition of their hard work during a difficult period for the sector.

This will provide certainty to the state’s hard working and dedicated TAFE teachers and enable Institutes to move towards a new funding model that will follow the implementation of the Labor Government’s response to the VET Funding Review.

TAFE teachers will vote to endorse the agreement this month.  Once the agreement is endorsed it will then be lodged with the Fair Work Commission for approval.

The previous Liberal Government left TAFE in a parlous state, with massive funding cuts forcing mergers and campus closures.

Mr Herbert said these cuts had created uncertainty for the majority of TAFE teachers in Victoria, with some 3000 jobs lost across the TAFE system.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

“This agreement is another step forward in rebuilding confidence and stability in our public TAFE system.”

“A stable TAFE workforce means teachers don’t have to worry about their pay and can focus on delivering high quality training to Victorians.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industrial Relations Natalie Hutchins

“The Andrews Labor Government is committed to standing up for hardworking Victorians. Our TAFE teachers provide a valuable service to the community and it’s vital we look after them.”

“Time and time again the former Liberal Government showed contempt for Victoria’s public sector workers. We did what they couldn't, bringing an end to this dispute and affording TAFE teachers the respect they deserve.”