Key Child Health Information Now Translated Into Ten Languages

Friday 24 March 2017

Important information to help families with young children has now been translated into ten key languages to ensure it is accessible to Victoria’s newest arrivals.

In this, the 100th year of the Victorian Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Service, Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos today unveiled the translated resources on a visit to Elm Grove MCH Centre in Coburg.

It is the first time this information will be available in Arabic, Burmese, Chin (Hakha), Chinese (Mandarin) Dari, Persian, Karen, Khmer, Punjabi and Vietnamese.

Among the 16 translated materials are the “Slip, Slop, Slap” message, the RACV guide on safe car restraints and practices, as well as information on water and outdoor safety and on safe sleeping.

The health promotion and safety information is available in printed hard copy from MCH centres and online at 

The MCH Service, which is available to all families in Victoria receives support from the Andrews Labor Government.

The Victorian Budget 16/17 invests a record $133 million over four years and $36 million each year going forward to deliver the MCH Service in partnership with local government.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

 “Translating these key resources into ten additional languages ensures more families have access to high quality child health, wellbeing and development information.”

 “MCH nurses have been serving Victoria’s newest arrivals for 100 years. Our service is the envy of the world and will continue to be critical to supporting healthy, thriving families and children.”

Quote attributable to Member for Brunswick Jane Garrett

“We want to make sure families in our local community have access to this crucial information and know about the MCH Services available to them.”