Jobs, Tech And Culture As Premier Visits Israel And Greece

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Cutting-edge technology, medical research, jobs, education and culture are on the agenda this week as Premier Daniel Andrews visits Israel and Greece – the first Victorian Premier to visit Israel since Steve Bracks in 2005.

Mr Andrews will visit Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Athens during the five day official visit, with highlights including meeting with some of Israel’s world leaders in autonomous vehicle technology and medical research, and strengthening cultural and education ties with Greece.

With Victoria home to Australia’s largest Israel-born community, the visit is an important opportunity to build and forge new partnerships with Israel that will help drive economic growth and job creation in Victoria.

Victoria’s ties to Greece are also strong, with Melbourne boasting the largest population of Greek people outside of Greece and more than 110,000 Victorians speaking Greek in their home.

To ensure Victoria’s Greek heritage continues to be passed onto future generations, a number of new education and early-childhood agreements will be announced on the visit.

With Greece renowned for its culture, the visit also presents an important opportunity to continue to build our strong relationship with Greece and further deepen our creative and cultural ties.

While in Israel and Greece, Mr Andrews will meet with Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, Director General of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yuval Rotem, President of Greece Prokopis Pavlopoulos and Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“Israel’s tech and innovation culture is the best in the world outside the United States. This visit presents a huge opportunity to learn from this culture and promote Victoria as the place to do business.”

“Strengthening our presence in Israel and bringing more investment to Victoria is good for our economy and even better for jobs.”

“Victoria’s Greek community is large and dynamic and has had major influence shaping our state. It is a great honour to visit and pay homage to the place from where so many Victorians take their cultural heritage.”