Innovative Ways To Improve Maternal And Child Health Services

Monday 12 October 2015

Innovation and creative thinking about Maternal and Child Health services are being encouraged to support vulnerable families at the early stages of a child’s life, under a $950,000 fund announced by the Andrews Labor Government.

The Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Service Innovation Fund grant round is now open for MCH service providers in Victoria.

The fund will stimulate services to think differently about how to increase support for vulnerable families, better target their resources and work collaboratively with other family and children’s services.

Family life in Victoria has changed significantly over the past decade, and MCH services must adapt to keep pace with the needs of the community.

Qualified MCH nurses provide free support and advice regarding parenting and children’s health and development.

Trained to raise the issue of family violence and safety with every new mother, they are at the frontline of helping in the prevention and reporting of family violence issues and linking to the right support.

Their role in engaging and supporting families during the most exciting and important stages early on in a child’s life is critical to a healthy start.

These grants will help services put into practice innovative strategies to strengthen engagement with families, and ensure there is adequate support for those who need it most.

The Labor Government is making Victoria the Education State – this starts with giving every Victorian child a healthy start in life.

For more information visit: (opens in a new window)

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“The Maternal and Child Health Service Innovation Fund will help services adapt to meet the needs of Victorian communities and families.”

“The Andrews Labor Government is making Victoria the Education State – boosting quality in our early childhood services is central to realising this vision.”