Improving Health And Wellbeing Support For Principals

Monday 14 August 2017

Better mental health support will be the first priority in a plan to improve the health and wellbeing of Victoria’s more than 1,500 government school principals.

Minister for Education James Merlino today released a discussion paper to engage Victorian principals on a strategy to boost their health and wellbeing, which will support them to be greater school leaders.

The strategy will include support mechanisms designed to suit the realities and unique circumstances of their role, and is backed by $4 million from the Andrews Labor Government.

The funding will go towards early intervention strategies, specialist advice services for principals, professional learning to develop mental health awareness and literacy, and coaching panels of retired principals trained in psychological health.

It will be accompanied by a new dedicated service providing Victorian school principals with confidential health checks that will be rolled out next year.

Healthy principals are central to ensuring a positive environment for teachers and students – and boosting student outcomes.

More than 100 principals and experts have been consulted as part of the strategy’s development so far, giving feedback on the pressures of their profession and how they could be supported better.

Further consultation with Victorian principals will be held over terms three and four for the strategy, including workshops and online engagement on the discussion paper.

The strategy aligns to the Labor Government’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Charter, which launched in March.

Making Victoria the Education State means properly supporting our principals so they can get on with doing what matters most – giving our students a great education.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“We’re putting a new focus on better supporting the health and wellbeing of our hardworking principals, with our first priority to better support their mental health.”

“Our principals are at the forefront of the Education State, and making sure they are healthy and happy is central to creating great local schools that give our kids a great education.”