Ice Laws Will Protect Our Kids And Nab More Drug Crooks

Monday 9 November 2015

Ice dealers who peddle drugs to children in or near schools will spend up to 25 years in prison under tough new laws to clamp down on drug suppliers and dealers.

Police Minister Wade Noonan will introduce seven new drug offences into Parliament today that give police additional powers to arrest anyone involved in the illicit trade.

Three of the offences send a clear message that drug trafficking around schools is an especially horrendous crime and deserved harsher maximum sentences.

Under the new laws, anyone who traffics drugs to a child in a public place within 300m of a school will face up to 25 years in jail, or up to 20 years for supplying drugs.

Specific offences will also be introduced that will make it illegal to:

  • use violence or threats to force someone to traffic illicit drugs (up to 5 years’ jail)
  • possess instructions for trafficking or cultivating illicit drugs (up to 5 years’ jail)
  • publish instructions for trafficking or cultivating illicit drugs (up to 10 years’ jail)
  • intentionally allow a property to be used for trafficking or cultivation (up to 5 years’ jail)

The Andrews Labor Government has taken strong action to reduce the harm caused by ice and to hold to account those responsible for manufacturing and dealing this deadly drug.

The Government’s $45.5 million Ice Action Plan also provides additional support for families, treatment for users, funding to protect frontline workers, and extra powers to close down manufacturers and make our community safer.

Victoria Police has also been given additional forensics staff to help police close clandestine labs, as well as a new drug and booze bus fleet and more drug-drive testing.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“These laws will hold anyone who preys on children to full account and give police tougher powers to catch anyone who manufactures or sells ice and other illicit drugs.”

“Ice is an insidious drug – we are taking action against those that sell it, while providing better treatment for users.”

 Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Wade Noonan

 “While we can’t simply arrest our way out of this problem, these new laws send a clear message to anyone involved in the drug trade.”

 “These people profit from others’ misery and they will rightly face the full force of the law.”