Honouring Our Fallen Victoria Police Officers

Thursday 29 September 2022

The Victorian Government stands with Victoria Police and the community to pay tribute to the force’s fallen police officers.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister for Police Anthony Carbines today joined Chief Commissioner Shane Patton APM and members of the public to pay their respects and lay a wreath at the National Police Remembrance Day Memorial Service in Melbourne.

Since Victoria Police was established in 1853, 175 police officers have been killed in the line of duty – including Senior Constable Bria Joyce, whose name will be added to the Honour Wall this year.

Senior Constable Joyce lost her life earlier this year when the police vehicle she and a colleague were in was involved in a collision on a rural road near Mildura.

Senior Constable Joyce has posthumously been awarded the National Police Service Medal, the National Medal, the Victoria Police Star and the Victoria Police Service Medal for her service to Victoria.

National Police Remembrance Day is held on 29 September each year and is a time when all Victorians can recognise the dedication and sacrifice of Victoria’s dedicated police officers, and the danger they face every day while protecting and serving our community.

The service in Melbourne began with a march from the Princes Bridge to the Victoria Police Memorial in the Kings Domain Gardens on St Kilda Road.

Services were also held today throughout regional Victoria, as well as across the nation and at the Wall of Remembrance in Canberra.

Today also marks Blue Ribbon Day, which raises money for improved emergency facilities in Victoria's public hospitals named in memory of fallen officers.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“These brave police officers put their lives on the line to protect Victorian communities in our time of need, and their service will never be forgotten.”

“Today we recognise and remember all police officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Police Anthony Carbines

Today is a reminder that police put themselves in harm’s way to keep us safe each and every day – we thank them and their families for all that they sacrifice to keep us safe.”

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