Helping Young Victorians Turn Their Lives Around

Sunday 20 August 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is helping young ex-offenders – and young people at risk of offending – find a job, stay out of trouble and turn their lives around.

Minister for Industry and Employment Wade Noonan and Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos today visited Pana Chocolate in Richmond to announce $1.7 million to help young people who’ve had contact with the justice system into work, and break the cycle of reoffending.

CVGT Australia have received $900,000 to run the Second Chance program and place a further 55 young Victorians into work.

Jesuit Social Services has received a grant of $810,000 to help 60 jobseekers through its Youth Justice Service.

These programs help young people get work-ready and find sustainable jobs. Pana Chocolate has already taken on a number of young ex-offenders.

CVGT previously received a grant of $840,000 and has placed nearly 100 young people into work in the Broadmeadows area.

Jesuit Social Services received more than $1.6 million under the first stage of Jobs Victoria, placing 54 jobseekers through its EmployXpress program.

The Jobs Victoria initiative has already helped place more than 1,600 jobseekers into work, with a goal of helping more than 5,000 people.

The Victorian-first JobsBank will provide a dedicated pipeline of jobs for Victoria’s most disadvantaged jobseekers.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industry and Employment Wade Noonan

“This new funding will help more than 100 young people find meaningful jobs – breaking the cycle of reoffending and making our community safer.”

“These programs are about turning lives around – because every young person deserves a second chance.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos

“For young people leaving our youth justice system, stable employment gives them purpose and meaning as they get older.”

“Giving a young person the dignity and daily routine of a job is an important step in turning their lives around and ensuring they give back to society.”