Helping Regional Businesses Grow And Create Jobs

Wednesday 31 January 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is helping Victorian businesses to grow and create hundreds of new jobs.

Applications for funding under the new Boost Your Business vouchers have now opened, which will help businesses, including those in regional Victoria, develop new products and improve business processes and systems.

It will also help them identify new export markets, undertake research and development and gain industry certification in different areas.

The vouchers are available in four different areas, including Advancing Victorian Manufacturing, which will support manufacturers to develop new products and grow export opportunities.

A dedicated Food Innovation stream will deliver on the Labor Government’s Food and Fibre Sector Strategy, targeting businesses in the food value chain, supporting the development of the Food Innovation Network.

The Social Enterprise Capability stream, an Australian first, will provide support for social enterprises to help build skills and capacity to increase their ability to employ and support disadvantaged jobseekers.

The Asia Gateway stream, part of the Victorian Government’s China Strategy – Partnerships for Prosperity, will support Victorian businesses to develop the knowledge, networks and skills to increase their business and export activity in Asian markets or with Asian clientele.

The first round of applications closes on Friday 2 March 2018. For more information and to apply, visit or call Business Victoria on 13 22 15.

Nearly 320,000 jobs have been created since the Labor Government was elected.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industry and Employment Ben Carroll

“These grants will help local businesses capitalise on our powerhouse economy.”

“We’ll always make sure Victorian businesses have the support they need to grow and create jobs.”