Help Advance Animal Welfare Across Victoria

Thursday 18 June 2015

Animal welfare experts are encouraged to come forward to help improve the welfare of animals across Victoria, with Expressions of Interest for members of the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee now open.

The Andrews Labor Government has revised the terms of reference for the Committee to ensure it has the right animal welfare experts in place to provide independent and broad-based advice to the Government on significant animal welfare issues.

The Committee is a non-statutory committee to assist with reviewing legislation, participate in the development and revision of animal welfare regulations, and provide advice on animal welfare matters.

The reformed Committee structure reflects the Labor Government’s strong commitment to animal welfare.

Minister for Agriculture, Jaala Pulford, is seeking expressions of interest for up to eight positions on the Committee, for a term of up to three years.

Those with relevant extensive animal welfare experience in areas such as veterinary science, animal management or public policy can make a real difference by joining the Committee.

In line with the Labor Government’s commitment to appoint 50 per cent of women to Victorian boards, half of the appointments to the Committee will be women. It will comprise up to 9 members, including an independent Chairperson.

Expressions of Interest for members will close on Wednesday 24 June 2015 and may be submitted via the ‘get on board’ website at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture, Jaala Pulford

“We take animal welfare extremely seriously. We want the best expert advice possible to improve the welfare of animals across the state.”

“This is a great opportunity for people with animal welfare expertise and a passion for animals to make a difference.”