Have Your Say On Victoria’s Renting Laws

Saturday 7 January 2017

Victorians are being asked to have their say on possible changes to the rules around renting properties, as part of the Andrews Labor Government’s overhaul of the Residential Tenancies Act.

The proposed changes have been developed following 331 written responses to the Fairer Safer Housing discussion papers and 3,500 contributions to forums and quick polls.

The Government is seeking feedback on a range of options including:

  • Facilitating fixed term leases of longer than five years
  • Restricting rental increases to once per year
  • Banning rental bids
  • Introducing minimum health and safety standards for rental properties
  • Improving incentives for landlords to make repairs quickly, such as restrictions on charging market rent
  • Introducing a mediation service with powers to make binding decisions
  • Requiring notices to vacate to be accompanied by supporting evidence
  • Requiring tenants to have landlord consent before listing a property on Airbnb or similar sites
  • Allowing tenants who are victims of family violence to challenge notices to vacate if given as a result of conduct by a perpetrator
  • Banning unreasonable ‘no pets’ clauses in tenancy agreements.

Submissions close on 10 February, 2017. To make a submission visit: fairersaferhousing.vic.gov.au/renting

Quotes attributable to Acting Minister for Consumer Affairs Lily D’Ambrosio

“We’re overhauling rental rules so that renters are protected and the laws guiding landlords are up to date.” 

“We’re making sure laws around renting strike a fair balance between the rights of people who live in a rental property and the people they rent those properties from.”

“I urge Victorian renters and landlords to have their say on issues affecting them in their homes, or with their investments.”