Have Your Say On Local Government Act Review

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Community consultation sessions are set to get underway across Victoria as part of the Andrews Labor Government’s review of the Local Government Act – the Act’s first in-depth review since its introduction in 1989.

Workshops and listening posts will occur in nine locations across the state, providing a simple avenue for Victorians to get involved and have their say about how local councils should work into the future.

The sessions build on feedback already received about the review from 10 community forums held earlier this year and around 340 submissions that have been made.

The upcoming sessions will seek feedback on the review’s Directions Paper launched last month, which included proposed changes to the length of mayoral terms, the number of councillors for each council, voting rules, governance and community engagement.

Victorians are invited to participate in a number of ways:

  • Submissions
  • An online poll
  • A wide range of stakeholder sessions including for councils, peak bodies, business, ratepayers
  • Focus groups with ratepayers and residents
  • Listening posts
  • Through their local council

The review – which responds to calls from the local government sector and the community for reform – is also examining the role and functions of councillors and CEOs, modernising council business operations, embedding sound financial management and strengthening how complaints are handled.

To participate, visit the Local Government Act Review website: www.yourcouncilyourcommunity.vic.gov.au.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins

“We’re keen to listen to Victorians about how we can improve the Local Government Act, because we want to reform local government to help make councils serve their communities more effectively and efficiently.”

 “These community sessions are a great way to gather feedback from a broad cross section of the community and form what we take from the Directions Paper.”