Hard Hitting Ad Campaign To Encourage Fire Preparedness

Friday 23 October 2020

​With the memories of last season’s devastating fires still fresh, Victorians are being asked to prepare for summer with another year of the hard-hitting ‘How well do you know fire?’ campaign.

The 2020-21 fire season is coming, and this campaign will help Victorians to better understand fire, and take responsibility for their own safety and prepare.

The updated campaign recognises the need to acknowledge the devastating 2019-20 fires and the very real impact they have had on Victorian communities – people who have experienced fire, people who know fire.

Importantly, pre-campaign warnings for affected communities will also alert them that this year’s fire campaign is coming, and that many may find it confronting following the events of last year. 

From late October, the second year of the ‘How well do you know fire?’ campaign will blanket the state – running across tv, radio, print, digital, social, and outdoor media.

The campaign is confronting, because the devastation fire wreaks across communities is extremely confronting.

While there has been some significant rainfall in recent months, much of Victoria is still drier than normal and no one – no matter where they live – can afford to be complacent. With lengthening fire seasons and more extreme weather, the risk of bushfire and grassfire is real, and Victorians need to be well prepared, now more than ever.

The Victorian Government is delivering more resources and support to protect the community this fire season, with all available emergency management staff and agencies ready to respond to incidents across the state.

This includes thousands of our dedicated volunteer and career firefighters from across all agencies, as well as a record fleet of 51 aircraft with a surge capacity of 100, which will hit the skies to help fight fires and keep communities safe.

Start preparing yourself and your loved ones now and visit vic.gov.au/knowfire to plan and prepare. For information on how to prepare for fire and other emergencies under COVID-19 restrictions visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au/emergencies-and-coronavirus-covid-19

People should also download the VicEmergency app now to in order to receive emergency information and warnings. If you have any concerns, or you or a loved one are emotionally affected by the campaign, support is available on our website, or by calling Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police and Emergency Services Lisa Neville

“Last season’s devastating fires drove home the importance of being prepared and having a plan in place – no matter where you live.”

“Our emergency services are ready and these ads are designed to ask the community – are you? Every single Victorian has a responsibility for their safety this fire season, and we encourage everyone to visit vic.gov.au/knowfire to plan and prepare.”

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