Grants Cast Out Wide As Fees Fund Fishing Future

Friday 16 June 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is using proceeds from recreational fishing licences to fund projects that will improve recreational fishing in Victoria.

Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford today announced the successful recipients of the 2016-17 Recreational Fishing Licence Large Grants Program on the banks of the Goulburn River.

Since 2001, The Recreational Fishing Grants Program has funded more than 650 projects, worth more than $21 million for angling clubs and community organisations throughout Victoria.

This year will see more than $1,000,000 made available for the following projects:

  • A state-wide recreational tagging program to investigate mulloway movements
  • Assessment of the post-release survival of swordfish from recreational fishing
  • Research to determine the population status for key native recreational fisheries
  • Further research and management of wild trout fisheries
  • Habitat restoration in Hughes Creek
  • Installation of instream habitat in the mid Goulburn River around Mangalore
  • Installation of instream habitat in the upper Goulburn River
  • Installation of instream habitat and riparian restoration in the lower Buckland River
  • Increased fish habitat in the Little Murray River
  • Construction of a public fishing information shelter in Balmoral
  • Research into the biology and status of the dusky flathead
  • Installation of a fish cleaning table at Point Richards on Corio Bay
  • Installation of a fish cleaning table at Indented Head

Fisheries Victoria will receive funding to continue producing a range of important and popular communication and compliance products, as well as collecting creel survey data to inform the sustainable management of Victoria’s wild catch marine and estuarine recreational fisheries.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford

“These licence-funded projects complement our Target One Million plan for recreational fishing, which aims to get more people fishing more often by boosting participation to one million anglers by 2020.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes

“Improving fishing opportunities creates jobs, supports local businesses and strengthens our regional communities.”

 Quotes attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Mark Gepp

“These are exciting projects which will help add to Victoria’s status as being one of Australia’s best places to fish.”