Global Medtech Manufacturer Expands In Melbourne

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Victorians will soon have access to ground-breaking technology that will make blood tests less painful and more efficient thanks to a huge expansion of global medical technology company Trajan in Melbourne’s east.

Minister for Jobs, Innovation and Trade Martin Pakula today visited Trajan Scientific and Medical in Ringwood to confirm the expansion of the facility, which will create 40 new jobs and upskill an additional 30 employees.

Support from the Andrews Labor Government helped to secure the investment by the leading medical instrument manufacturer in Victoria.

Trajan is a homegrown developer and manufacturer of world-class scientific and medical devices including the hemaPEN, which promises to revolutionise blood testing by using a small pinprick to collect a single drop of blood, making blood tests less traumatic and more convenient.

Trajan currently has operations in Australia, America, Europe and Asia, and customers in more than 100 countries, but the decision to maintain and grow their global HQ in Melbourne is testament to the medical technologies sector in Victoria supporting companies from startup to multinational exporter.

Founded in Melbourne in 2011, Trajan currently employs around 430 people globally. Victoria is home to 42 per cent of ASX-listed medical technology and pharmaceutical companies with a combined worth of more than AU$104 billion, which amounts to more than 60 per cent of the nation’s total.

Victoria has a global reputation as a growing life sciences leader and the Labor Government is actively backing this sector, which will create jobs and play a huge role in the future economy.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Jobs, Innovation and Trade Martin Pakula 

We’re proud to be supporting local innovation, and improving patient care every step of the way.”

“Trajan’s choice to further develop its global HQ in Melbourne and expand its local manufacturing capability will strengthen Victoria’s global reputation as a thriving hub for biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.”

Quote attributable to Member for Ringwood Dustin Halse

“We’re getting on with creating jobs in the medical technology sector, which is great news for local workers and even better news for the health and well-being of all Victorians.”

Quote attributable to Trajan Scientific and Medical CEO Stephen Tomisich

“We’re pleased to engage the support of the Victorian Government, highlighting growth areas where Trajan is developing new devices and technologies to improve measurements for healthcare, food and environmental analysis.”