Giving Victorian Jobseekers A Fair Go

Thursday 23 November 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is making things fair for all Victorian jobseekers by connecting them to the services they need to find meaningful work.

Minister for Industry and Employment Ben Carroll today addressed a Jobs Victoria conference in Melbourne to outline achievements in the first 12 months of the Labor Government’s flagship program.

The Government has invested $68 million in Jobs Victoria to break down barriers to employment for vulnerable and disadvantaged Victorians.

Jobs Victoria has supported more than 3,700 work placements between October 2016 and September 2017.

The highly-successful Jobs Victoria Employment Network has helped more than 2,400 long-term jobseekers into meaningful work – that’s around 40 Victorians a week.

Minister Carroll announced the $3 million Jobs Victoria Innovation Fund to support even more initiatives to get Victorians into employment.

Two new programs have already been funded to help young Victorians with disabilities into after school employment and provide career support for Victorians with autism.

The Government has also provided funding to the International Specialised Skills Institute to create an international Fellowships program for Jobs Victoria partners – so they can find new models and approaches to support Victorians.

Business, government and the community is also being empowered to create work for those who need it most through JobsBank.

To register for JobsBank or find out more, visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industry and Employment Ben Carroll

“It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you come from – Jobs Victoria is a program for all Victorians.”

“We are making things fair for all jobseekers facing barriers to employment by connecting them to the right services.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing Martin Foley

"Victorians with disabilities deserve an opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the workforce."

"This program fits neatly with the opportunities that come with the rollout of the NDIS, bringing people with disabilities into the workforce."