Gippsland Gets Giant Men’s Shed

Wednesday 5 July 2017

The Andrews Labor Government has helped the Gippsland community of Inverloch open its first men’s shed.

Inverloch ‘shedders’ volunteered hundreds of hours fitting out the shed, which includes a kitchen, meeting room, computer training room, office, toilets and a shower.

Before the shed’s opening, shedders also donated their time to build playground furniture for the local school, nest boxes for the environment centre, and carry out other activities to improve the local community.

The Labor Government provided $60,000 for the construction of the 322 square metre shed, and a 21-year lease for the use of Crown land.

Victoria has the highest number of sheds in the country, with more than 350 across the state.

The Labor Government allocates $1 million in funding to men’s sheds each year, and has provided nearly 50 grants to men’s sheds across the state since November 2014.

An $879,000 grant round for the construction of new sheds and the refurbishment of existing sheds across the state has recently closed, with funding recipients to be announced in September.

Men’s sheds are one of Australia’s largest community development organisations, which operate to improve the health and wellbeing of participants by increasing social inclusion.

Quote attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“The difference one men’s shed can make to the lives of its members and the local community is immeasurable – that’s why we’re opening more of them across Victoria.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Eastern Victoria Harriet Shing

Men's sheds make a world of positive difference wherever they are set up, and at last Inverloch's new shed is complete.”

“The members have spent countless hours fitting out the space and volunteering in the community. I commend them for all they've achieved, and it's a real pleasure to be able to support their work.”

Quotes attributable to President of the Victorian Men’s Shed Association Lindsay Oates

“Men’s sheds are all about improving the health and wellbeing of men, and we see them being used by men from a range of different backgrounds and age groups.”

“The fact that 37 men became members of the Inverloch men’s shed before its doors had opened shows just how important the shed is to the local community.”