Getting On With Protecting Exports And Market Access

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Access to international markets and improved productivity is critical to growing Victoria’s $11.6 billion food and fibre sector, boosting the economy and creating jobs.

Minister for Agriculture, Jaala Pulford, confirmed Victoria’s desire to work collaboratively with the Commonwealth and States and Territories to ensure support is available for drought-affected communities in Victoria, boost on-farm productivity and safeguard exports at a meeting of the Agriculture Ministers’ Forum (AGMIN) in Brisbane last week.

Ms Pulford reported to AGMIN on Victoria’s launch of a state-wide fruit fly action plan and targeted drought package.

The Australian Government is a key partner is helping drought-affected communities in Victoria and the support available compliments the additional $27 million package announced last week by the Andrews Labor Government to support communities in the north-west of the state.

The new five-year Fruit Fly Action Plan helps define roles and responsibilities between industry, community and three levels of government to help better protect market access for Victoria’s $2.4 billion horticulture industry.

The management structure set out in the action plan provides the platform for action at the local level combined with coordination across the state.

Ms Pulford said commencing formal consultation would help Victoria better understand the needs of industry and the applicability of technology.

Victoria has also signalled its intentions to start formal consultation on electronic identification technology in the sheep and goat industry. Ms Pulford confirmed Victoria’s desire to increase tracking and identification in the sheep and goats industry.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture, Jaala Pulford

“We are working well with the Australian Government and our state counterparts on issues such as drought, fruit fly and market access, hopefully we can continue to collaborate and ensure the future success of our agricultural industries”

 “Victoria is happy to take the next step in improving sheep and goat identification by starting a conversation about better industry protection and productivity to take advantage of export opportunities.”

“That’s why I have asked my department to start talking to the sheep and goat industry about improving the effectiveness of the National  Livestock Identification Scheme.”