Freeing Up Learn Locals To Better Support Students

Friday 10 March 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is reducing the administrative burden placed on Victoria’s community education providers, freeing them up to do what they do best – teach students.

Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney today visited Wyndham Community and Education Centre to announce $1.5 million to launch three Learn Local Quality Partnership trials.

The partnerships will support Learn Local organisations - which provide accredited training to some of the state’s most disadvantaged students - to work together to reduce compliance costs, share resources, improve quality and encourage best practice.

Wyndham Community and Education Centre, Southern Grampians Adult Education and Community College, and Merinda Park Learning and Community Centre will each lead a network of up to ten Learn Locals.

The partnerships, part of Skills First, will ensure that all Victorians are able to access high-quality training that will provide them with the skills they need to meet industry needs, grow economic productivity and lead to a real job.

Through Skills First, the Labor Government is overhauling Victoria’s training and TAFE system, guaranteeing funding to secure the future of TAFE, and making sure Victorians have the right skills for the jobs of the future.

Wyndham Community and Education Centre delivers extensive pre-accredited training programs from nine locations, giving students pathways into accredited language and literacy training, vocational training or employment.

The Centre was recently recognised with the 'Excellence in Creating Community Solutions' Award at the 2016 Victorian Learn Local Awards for their BA@Wyndham program, a partnership with Federation University that provides university pathways for local students.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney

The Andrews Labor Government is making Victoria’s education system the best in the country, with Learn Local organisations playing a vital role in supporting the local communities and cementing us as the Education State.”

“We’re allowing Learn Local organisations to build and strengthen partnerships within their local communities so they can dedicate more time to students and to teaching.”

Quote attributable to Member for Werribee Tim Pallas

“This funding boost will help Wyndham Community and Education Centre continue the outstanding job it does supporting locals access the training they need to move on to further training or into a job.”

Quote attributable to Adult, Community and Further Education Board Chair Sue Christophers

“We’re supporting Learn Locals so they can better engage with learners who have faced disadvantage by providing pre-accredited programs and support services that enable people to get on the pathway to work or further study.”