Frankston And Seaford Score For Strikers And Tigers

Thursday 22 April 2021

The Andrews Labor Government is delivering new sporting facilities for grassroots participants in Frankston, headlined by female friendly changerooms and new lighting.

Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence today joined Member for Carrum Sonya Kilkenny to visit RF Miles Reserve in Seaford, where a new sporting and community pavilion is on the way for the home of the Seaford Tigers football, netball and cricket clubs.

The Minister also joined Member for Frankston Paul Edbrooke to visit Ballam Park, where a new pavilion and lighting has been installed at the home of the Peninsula Strikers Junior Football Club.

At RF Miles Recreation Reserve, the growing participant numbers at Seaford Football Netball Club and Seaford Cricket Club will soon enjoy access to a new two-storey pavilion featuring female friendly changerooms and amenities, umpire rooms, first aid room and social and meetings rooms.

A reconfigured larger oval and lighting that meets AFL standards, along with new netball courts, cricket nets, a scoreboard and coaches box are also on the way. The RF Miles Recreation Reserve pavilion project was made possible by a $2.6 million investment from the Government’s Local Sports Grants initiative.

The Labor Government has provided $2.9 million towards the projectspart of the more than $1 billion it has invested in community sport and recreation infrastructure since 2014 – creating jobs, stimulating local economies and bringing communities together.

The new pavilion at Ballam Park includes eight female-friendly changerooms, a kitchen, kiosk, social space, referee changerooms, storage, first-aid facilities and public toilets, as well as new parking and lighting for user safety.

The new pavilion is a boon for the Peninsula Strikers which has 300 players and for the first time a facility that is inclusive to female participants. The project also included installation of new lighting for two pitches, allowing even greater utilisation of the pitches for training and games.

The Labor Government acknowledged Frankston City Council for their investment to help deliver both projects.

Quote attributable to Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence

“These new facilities are a game-changer. Women and girls can say goodbye to changing in a crowded, unsuitable buildingor even in the car and finally enjoy the facilities they deserve as they play the sports they love.”

Quote attributable to Member for Carrum Sonya Kilkenny

“We’re so proud to play our part in delivering modern sporting and community facilities to life right here in Seaford.  These new facilities will be a game changer for local sport, and the local community, and add to the already significant investment we have made in the local area.”

Quote attributable to Member for Frankston Paul Edbrooke

“These upgrades mean the Frankston community, especially members of the Strikers, now have access to high quality facilities.”

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