Fracking Ban A Boon For Victorian Farmers

Thursday 8 September 2016

Regional and rural communities across Victoria have embraced the Andrews Labor Government’s decision to permanently ban hydraulic fracturing and coal seam gas in Victoria.

Minister for Resources Wade Noonan today visited award winning Ravens Creek Farm in Moriac, a family-owned agribusiness that produces berries, honey, vegetables, grass-fed beef and free-range pork.

To protect businesses like Ravens Creek, the Labor Government is introducing a permanent ban on the exploration and development of all onshore unconventional gas in Victoria.

Farming communities across the state, including in the Greater Geelong area, have been calling for the ban for many years.

It is still unclear whether the Victorian Nationals will support the Labor Government’s move to ban fracking or whether they will they side with the Liberals' calls for more uncertainty, indecision and inaction.

For too long there has been community concern and the moratorium introduced by the former Coalition government only brought more uncertainty and caused a great deal of anxiety to our farmers in the process.

The Labor Government has chosen to protect Victoria’s world-class primary producers, our regional communities and the state’s natural environment.

The Labor Government is calling on all National Party MPs to declare their support for the legislation, which will ban fracking and coal seam gas once and for all.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Resources Wade Noonan

“Our land, water and natural environment is the bedrock of the economy in regional Victoria: if you compromise the environment you compromise the agricultural sector.”

“The widespread lack of community support for unconventional gas and the uncertainty around fracking, clearly outweigh any suggested benefits for Victoria.”

“Quite clearly this is one of the biggest issues affecting our country communities, and the Nationals are nowhere to be seen or heard.”