Footy Clubs Join Trial To Roadtest New Standards For Women’s Respect At Work

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Two AFL football clubs, a university and a community organisation are helping Victoria set the standard for respect for women in the workplace under a new trial being funded by the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Women and the Prevention of Family Violence Fiona Richardson today announced North Melbourne Football Club, Carlton Football Club, La Trobe University and Connections Uniting Care had been chosen to take part in the new Workplace Equality and Respect project.

The pilot, funded with $900,000 from the Labor Government, aims to help Victorian workplaces change their policies and practices to prevent violence against women.

It will be led by Our Watch – the national advocate for change in the culture, behaviour and attitudes that underpin violence against women and their children.

The four organisations will help finalise standards, to be released in May 2017 and made available to all Victorian workplaces, to recognise and respond to family violence and maintain respect for women. The new standards will help workplaces:

  • promote women’s participation and opportunities
  • challenge attitudes that support violence
  • challenge gender stereotypes and roles
  • think critically about structures that might reinforce inequality

Under the pilot, each organisation will assess their own performance and come up with a series of actions and benchmarks to help them improve, including:

  • how workplaces might reinforce rigid stereotypes for both genders
  • whose voices are prioritised in decision making
  • how comfortable staff feel in raising any concerns
  • recruitment policies
  • promoting women to leadership positions and supporting them once they are there
  • flexible workplace policies for both parents
  • how they measure their improvement

The Labor Government is also developing the state’s first gender equality strategy, to be released this year.

For more information see

Quotes attributable to Minister for Women Fiona Richardson

“Actions speak louder than words. Many of us spend much of our lives at work – they need to be places where women are safe, respected and treated as equals.”

“Equality is not negotiable – but it will take CEOs, chairmen of boards, and senior leaders to truly change our workplace culture and help us make the lives of women and their children safer.”

Quotes attributable to Our Watch CEO Mary Barry

“Our Watch is delighted to be working with these four high-profile organisations to promote gender equality and respect in their workplaces.”

“Workplaces have great influence over people’s lives and communities, and have an opportunity to help drive the cultural change needed to prevent violence against women and their children.”

Quote attributable to Connections Uniting Care Acting CEO Trish Chapman

“We are excited to be selected to participate in the Workplace Equality and Respect Project. We have 400 staff, and we are committed to ensuring we are doing everything we can to promote gender equality and respect for women.”

Quote attributable to Carlton Football Club CEO Steven Trigg

“We are committed to being accountable when it comes to gender equality in the workplace – as a sports club we have an important role to play in promoting equality and addressing the key drivers of violence against women.”

Quote attributable to North Melbourne Football Club CEO Carl Dilena

“We are proud to be part of one of the first gender equality strategies in Australian sport and aim to change behaviours that contribute to inequality and trivialise violence against women.”

Quote attributable to La Trobe University Vice-Chancellor Prof John Dewar

“I am determined to provide staff and students with a safe and supportive environment in which to work and study. This includes improvements to areas such as support services, systems, processes and infrastructure.”