Fins Up For Geelong Fishers To Attend Habitat Forum

Friday 5 February 2016

Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville has encouraged anglers and people interested in fish habitat in the Geelong area to attend the ‘Fishers for Fish Habitat Forum’ later this month.

The Geelong Fishers for Fish Habitat Forum is a free event being held at Club Cats, Captains Room, Simonds Stadium, Kilgour Street in Geelong on 27th February 2016. The event will raise awareness of factors affecting fish habitat and populations.

Recreational fishers, community members, Catchment Management Authorities, Fisheries Victoria and DELWP share common goals in fisheries and waterway management and 'Fishers for Fish Habitat Forums' provide an opportunity to strengthen these partnerships and improve fish habitat.

The forum will showcase fish habitat restoration projects happening in Victoria, particularly in Port Phillip Bay, the Barwon River and Gellibrand estuary.

The forum includes a light lunch, an afternoon bus tour to view local habitat projects and a dinner, with a special guest speaker from OzFish Unlimited. Participants are welcome to attend all or part of the day.

The Geelong Fishers for Fish Habitat Forum is jointly funded through funds from Victorian Recreational Fishing Licence Fees, the Australian Government's National Landcare Programme and The Nature Conservancy. It’s also supported by VRFish, Australian Trout Foundation, Native Fish Australia and Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.

The event is free and places are limited. Registration is needed for catering and logistics.  To register or make an enquiry, please contact the Arthur Rylah Institute on 0448 983 627 or email by Wednesday 24th February.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville

"The 'Fishers for Fish Habitat Forum’ is an opportunity for anglers to meet other anglers, share fish habitat stories and learn about how people can get involved in projects around Geelong and the Bellarine Peninsula.”

“It provides an opportunity for Government and community groups to work together on improving the health of Victorian waterways and fisheries.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“We’re working to grow recreational fishing in Victoria through our Target One Million Campaign.”

“I’d encourage anglers, both young and old to take part in this new forum and leave more about fish habitats.”