Figures Show Ambulance Service Improves In Ballarat

Monday 1 August 2016

New figures show Ballarat patients are receiving a quicker response from their ambulance service.

Released today by Acting Minister for Ambulance, James Merlino the new Ambulance Victoria figures show significant improvement since the election of the Andrews Labor Government.

The average time for an ambulance to reach the scene of a Code 1 accident or emergency in the City of Ballarat has improved from 12:58 minutes in 2013/14 – the last full year of the previous Victorian Liberal Government – to 11:52 in 2015/16.

Over the same period, the proportion of ambulances that arrived within the benchmark 15 minutes for the most time-critical patients – including cardiac arrest, heart attack, major trauma and stroke patients – improved from 77.6 per cent to 83.8 per cent.

The improved performance reflects Labor’s determination to fix the ambulance crisis, left by the previous Liberal Government.

Under the last Victorian Budget, the Labor Government invested an additional $144 million in the ambulance system to make sure patients were getting the care they needed, when they needed it.

The Budget also contained a $27.3 million boost to rebuild and upgrade ambulance stations and purchase additional vehicles – giving local paramedics the modern facilities they deserve.

In contrast, in their last year in office, the previous Liberal Government were shown to be responsible for Victoria having the worst ambulance response times on Australia’s mainland.

Ballarat’s latest ambulance response data shows:

  • 83.8% of Code 1 ambulances arrived within 15 minutes in 2015/16, up from 77.6% in 2013/14
  • The average response time to reach the scene was 11:52 minutes in 2015/16, an improvement on the 12:58 minute arrival time in 2013/14

Quotes attributable to Acting Minister for Ambulance Services James Merlino

“The figures couldn’t be clearer. The Andrews Labor Government’s commitment to improving our ambulance service means a safer and quicker response for local patients.”

Quote attributable to Member for Buninyong Geoff Howard

“Even as Ballarat’s population grows, response times are still improving. It shows that at long last, our ambulance services are getting the support they need.”

“Our investment in ambulance services means Ballarat’s patients are receiving the care they need sooner.”