Fighting Back Against Illegal Wildlife Trafficking

Thursday 20 July 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is protecting Victoria’s unique flora and fauna by funding the Trafficked, Traded and Traumatised awareness campaign launched today.

Illegal wildlife trafficking is not only cruel and inhumane, it also has the potential to destroy Victoria’s natural environment, our ecosystem, our agriculture industry, and our economy.

The campaign aims to educate the public about illegal wildlife trafficking and trade, and what to watch out for, in the hope that increasing public awareness will encourage the community to report suspicious behaviour to Crime Stoppers.

The United Nations estimate that illegal wildlife trafficking is worth between $60 billion to $200 billion dollars (AUD) worldwide each year.

Possessing illegally imported animals, or their offspring, is a criminal offence, and is subject to penalties including up to 10 years’ jail time and fines up to $110,000.

The campaign complements the Andrews Labor Government’s Protecting Victoria's Environment- Biodiversity 2037 that was launched in April this year.

The Biodiversity Plan focuses on prevention and early intervention rather than crisis response, which is at the core of the new campaign launched today, Trafficked, Traded and Traumatised.

In the Victorian Budget 2017/18, the Labor Government funded more compliance positions across the state, including regionally located environmental compliance officers to help enforce wildlife legislation.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Lily D’Ambrosio

“We’re protecting Victoria’s environment by investing in the fight against illegal wildlife trafficking.”

“If you know someone or something connected to the illegal trafficking of wildlife, I urge you to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”