Extent of Liberal Cuts to TAFE and Training Revealed

Friday 6 February 2015

Savage funding cuts to the training system by the former Liberal Government have short-changed the future of thousands of Victorians, the Productivity Commission’s Report on Government Services has confirmed.

The Report shows Victoria spent just $9.36 per hour on vocational training in 2013 – the lowest of any state or territory and down from $11.36 in 2011.

The Report disproves the Liberals’ claims that they had increased funding for vocational training.

The Report also shows that the decline in funding under the Liberals resulted in poorer outcomes for Victorian students who undertook training to improve their lives.

Just 79.8 per cent of government-funded Victorian graduates in 2013 said their course helped them to achieve their goals – down from 86 per cent in 2011 and below the national average result of 83 per cent.

The Liberal cuts decimated TAFE, with the state’s 12 institutes forecasting a combined $71.8 million operating loss for last year.

The Andrews Labor Government is rebuilding our TAFE and training system, with the $320 million TAFE Rescue Fund already supporting struggling TAFE institutes to improve training delivery, and supporting students to achieve their goals and develop the skills they need to get the job they want.

The Labor Government has also committed to a comprehensive review of the funding model for public and private training providers, to be headed by former Holmesglen chief executive Bruce Mackenzie.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills, Steve Herbert

“The former Liberal Government’s light touch on quality concerns has had a negative impact on the reputation of the Victorian training system.”

“Liberal funding cuts have made it hard for our TAFEs and training providers to deliver quality courses.”

“This report makes it clear how these cuts robbed thousands of Victorians of the opportunity to improve their lives.”

“Our $320 million TAFE Rescue Fund and the Mackenzie funding review will repair the damage and rebuild our TAFE and training system so Victorian students can get skills, get a job and build a better life.”