Expert Team To Design Youth Justice Centre

Thursday 7 September 2017

Expert architecture and design firm HDR will bring their experience designing youth justice centres around the world to Victoria.

HDR has been appointed the principal consultant on the new youth justice centre at Cherry Creek, the next major step in the development of the new centre, which is set to open in 2021.

HDR will work with expert stakeholders through the Youth Justice Redevelopment Project team to develop the design and master plan for the new centre.

The team from HDR has extensive international experience in designing state-of-the-art youth justice and correctional facilities. They have a strong focus on both security and rehabilitation.

The Andrews Labor Government is providing $288 million for the new high security centre, which will include an intensive supervision unit, 224 beds for remand and sentenced clients and a mental health unit.

Work will now begin on pre-design and master planning. The Government has released a tender to appoint a managing contractor to work with the principal consultant during the design and construction phases.

The design of the new youth justice centre will be informed by a range of youth justice experts and stakeholders.

It will also incorporate design elements outlined in the Comrie and Armytage/Ogloff reviews into Victoria’s youth justice system.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“This is the next important step in rebuilding Victoria’s youth justice system. This new facility will be a world class, high security, rehabilitative facility, designed by an expert team.”

“We’re getting on with this vital project to help keep staff, young offenders and the community safe.”

“I look forward to working with the team at HDR to deliver the most secure youth justice facility ever built in this state.”